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Feasibility study comprises the most important information required for making an investment decision. The study helps to compare different processing schemes and justify the most beneficial one.

The study can be used for investment committees, grant applications, as a part of engineering package.


Feasibility study includes:

- Analysis of feed types from different sources;

- Analysis of products and by-products characteristic for each feed type;

- Estimation of products and by-products quality and amount;

- Definition of processing branches and blocks capacity, representation in block flow diagrams;

- Selection of processing scheme and units for further working out (not more than 2 options);

- Estimation of energy and resources consumption for each processing scheme;

- Development of key equipment parameters;

- Selection of suitable suppliers for each block;

- Requesting suppliers and cost verification (inside battery limits);

- Estimation of OSBL (based on coefficients method);

- Financial model development for each processing scheme (IRR, NPV and DPP);

- Economical efficiency estimation for each processing scheme, comparison of schemes.


The work is limited by the following aspects:

- Analysis is done for max 2 processing schemes;

- Work is being done based on the data from opened sources;

- Market investigation is not carried out.

Feasibility study

  • A feasibility study will be formed as a report in pdf, format A4. Number of pages depends on specific details of work. Report is provied only in online form, hard copies are not provided. Editable versions are provided under a separate request.

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